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ESG Impact

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ESG Impact

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our vision is to transform lives – to coach, educate, train and develop people around the world, and that doesn’t stop with our clients. Social responsibility is hardwired into our DNA. We strive to make a difference in the lives of all the people that we encounter.

We have two charitable partners: St Vincent Boys National School and Kako’s Kids.

ST Vincent Boys School

On the banks of the Royal Canal in Dublin, St Vincent’s School was set up in 1904. Many of these children come from underprivileged backgrounds, and their families struggle to provide the basics, let alone the things that the boys need to thrive.


Our other formal partner is Kako’s Kids, a Haitian organisation that aims to improve the daily lives of disadvantaged children through sport and education. We first heard about Kako a few years ago in the course of our work with Digicel in Haiti. Jacques Bourjolly, aka Kako, is a famous Haitian comedian. Since its foundation in 2010, Kako’s Kids has renovated orphanages, built sports facilities and conducted several toys, clothes, books, and back-to-school drives. Kako’s Kids also holds basketball summer camps for street children. During the COVID emergency, Kako provided over 1,000 drums to set up hand-cleaning stations for those without access to soap or clean water.

Standing with Kakos Kids

Crisis in Haiti

We wanted to highlight the huge adversity and crisis that one of the McNulty ESG charities is facing in Haiti right now. We send our prayers, our love and our commitment to continue to support Kakos kids and to continue to strive to make our mission a reality.

McNulty's charity involvement, supporting local schools with generous donations.

“The simple truth underlining all this work is that you can’t develop leadership capability or realise human potential if basic needs are not met.”

However, our CSR strategy stretches even further. A percentage of all our programme fees is donated to our charitable partners. And if we spot a situation where we think we can help, we do. The McNulty team also works pro bono with a wide range of individuals, from business leaders to medical specialists to sports people, helping them to maximise their impact in the world.

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